Mohammed A. Abu
The Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of South Africa based Sustainable Seas Trust(SST), Janine Osborne has declared that, her organization’s work will focus on strengthening existing multi-lateral partnerships (specifically with the Abidjan and Nairobi conventions, and WIOMSA) to promote a just transition for Africa to a circular and blue economy through supporting its African partners’ response to the incipient global plastics treaty.
“While securing multiple funding sources beyond this generous grant remains a priority, SST is truly grateful to the Norwegian government for their continued partnership and support of our ambitious vision” she stated.
Janine Osborne made the observations following a formal grant signing ceremony between her organization and the Norwegian Ambassador to South Africa who signed on behalf of his home government.
The signing ceremony was followed by a field trip during which SST accompanied the Norwegian Embassy delegation and the Ambassador to the Motherwell Community and Enviro-Hub, which SST has supported over the last few years.
Janine Osborne further intimated, “It’s a great local example of the community work we support and the significant change that is possible through meaningful partnerships”. Adding “Together, we’ll sustain Africa’s seas”.
Sustainable Seas Trust(SST), is a science-based organization working to protect Africa’s seas and communities for the benefit of all who live on the continent
The organization works towards uplifting and sustaining solutions that will enable the blue economy. Through education, research and targeted action, as well as partnerships it endeavors to curb the risk of marine pollution through integrating waste management principles into value chains
To realize the goal of a sustainable blue economy for Africa, the organization believes there is the need to first start on land.